Mobile Phone Policy – Doon Global School

Mobile Phone Policy


This is to highlight the School policy towards students carrying mobile phones.

  1. Kindly note that mobile phones are not permitted within the School.
  2. In exceedingly rare cases, those students who have a particular condition/situation where carrying the mobile is necessary, the Parents need to meet the Principal/School Director with an application explaining the reason. Should permission be granted then the mobile phone will be deposited with the Class Teacher/School Office at the start of the day and returned to the student when he/she is leaving School at the end of the day.
  3. If any students phone has been used for the wrong reasons and is not in keeping with School policy, then steps will be taken which may result in Suspension/Expulsion depending upon the severity of the case, despite the fact whether they were carrying the phone to School or not.
    • First offence: The phone will be returned directly to the Parents after an undertaking is signed by them.
    • Second offence: The phone will be returned after 1 week, directly to the Parents after an undertaking is signed by them.
    • Third offence: The phone will be auctioned in School and the money so received, will go to a charity/NGO and the receipt will be handed over to the Parent.
  4. For Boarders who are resident on campus, the same rules apply i.e., the phones lie in the custody of the House Parents. Boarders will use their mobile phones as per the schedule established and will not carry their phones to School.
  5. At times, to facilitate learning, the Principal may permit entire Classes, Grades or Groups of students to carry mobile phones or similar devices. These are temporary measures.