POSH Policy – Doon Global School

POSH Policy

  • Doon Global School has a goal of providing a safe and secure environment to all its employees and students. Safety against Sexual Harassment is key to this goal.

  • To provide a structure comprising of streamlined procedures/rules and regulations to deal with any sexual harassment cases.

  • To reach out to every member of the School community and make them aware of their Rights & Responsibilities by creating awareness about sexual harassment through workshops, publications etc.


This policy extends to all the students and employees of DGS and is deemed to be incorporated in the service conditions for staff and the admission documents for students and comes into effect immediately.
Applicable at all locations and activities including those run in partnership so also to all School- sponsored social events.
Applies to men and women; to like and opposite gender relationships; to relationships between supervisors and subordinates; teaching/non-teaching staff and students; and peer relationships. It includes Employees, Parents, Guests on Campus, Vendors and anyone else on our premises, as well as to those involved in activities in which our name is associated.
All associates shall comply with this policy.


  1. Physical contact and advances;
  2. A demand or request for sexual favours;
  3. Sexually coloured remarks;
  4. Showing pornography;
  5. Any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non- verbal conduct of sexual nature.

Further, “Sexual Harassment” includes any unwanted or unwarranted gesture or verbal sexual advances, sexually explicit and derogatory statements or remarks, sexually colored remarks, avoidable and unwarranted physical contacts, willfully touching or patting, suggestive sexual remarks, sexually slanted and obscene jokes, vulgar comments about physical appearance, indecent invitations, stalking sounds, lurid stares, use/ showing of pornographic material, display of pictures, demand for sexual favors, demanding sexual favor by making telephone calls or sending SMS/Mails, threats of physical assault or molestation on refusal by the employee by their superiors, colleagues or anyone who for the time being is in a position to sexually exploit or harass the employee at any work place which may contain :
Implied or overt promise of preferential treatment in that employee’s employment

An implied or overt threat of detrimental treatment in that employee’s employment or an implied or overt threat about the present or future employment status of that employee and includes the creation of a hostile working environment.
The conduct interferes with an employee’s work or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment.
Such conduct that is humiliating and may constitute a health and safety problem which offends the individual’s sensibilities and affect her/his performance; conduct of such an act at work place or outside in relation to an Employee, or vice versa during the course of employment.


This policy shall not be used to bring frivolous or malicious complaints against anyone. Making a knowingly false complaint subjects the complaint to disciplinary or corrective action. However, failure to prove a claim of sexual harassment does not constitute proof of a false and/or malicious accusation.


No person shall be victimized for anything said or done in relation to any complaint.
A person victimizes another person if the person subjects the other person or threatens to subject the other person to any detriment in connection with employment or recruitment or promotion because such person Has brought proceedings against any person.
The other person associates with the complainant.
Has given evidence or information or produced a document, in connection with any proceedings.


  1. The Principal.
  2. The Vice Principal.
  3. The Dean of Student Welfare.
  4. The Coordinator (Senior School).
  5. The Coordinator (Middle School).
  6. The Coordinator (Junior School).
  7. The Administrative Officer.

A quorum of 4 members is required to be present for the proceedings to take place. The quorum should include at least 2 female members. Depending on the circumstances, one member from the complainant’s department can be co-opted for the proceedings.

The complainant can file their complaints with:

  1. Any member from the Internal Complaint Committee.
  2. Their immediate Supervisor/ Class Teacher.
  3. The Head Boy or The Head Girl.


  1. The ICC will maintain a register to endorse the complaints and keep the name and
    contents of the complaints in confidence.
  2. ICC will hold a meeting with the complainant within 10 days of receiving the complaint.
  3. A copy of the complaint will be given to the respondent so that he is given an opportunity to prove himself innocent and thereafter an inquiry will be conducted.
  4. Reconciliation by mutual consent between the complainant and the respondent.
  5. Examination of the witnesses, if any.
  6. Statement of the respondent.
  7. Cross examination if required.
  8. Defence witnesses to be examined (if any).
  9. Site inspection (if any).
  10. Confrontation
  11. Disciplinary proceedings.
  12. ICC will send a compiled report to the Management for further actions.


The Management would take appropriate action against the respondent if found guilty depending on the recommendations from the ICC. The penalties could be as follows:

  1. Warning
  2. Written apology.
  3. Bond of good behavior.
  4. Adverse remarks in the Confidential Report.
  5. Stopping of increments/promotion.
  6. Transfer.
  7. Suspension.
  8. Dismissal/ Termination.
  9. If the Management deems fit, they could transfer the case to the local Police.